Welcome to Student Wellness at SAU! We the individual and collective health and wellness of our campus community and the surrounding area. The Wellness team consists of the Joseph G. Gordon Health Center, the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Saint Augustine’s Chapel, and the Taylor Wellness Center. With dedicated staff and strategic programming we believe we can have a campus culture with a greater understanding and utilization of wellness.
Joseph G. Gordon Health Center
Services provided by the Health Center are care for minor emergencies, health consultations and providing healthy promotions on illnesses, diseases and prevention education.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) program is designed to help students enhance strengths and develop abilities to deal with the experiences of living, growing, and learning. CAPS offers individual counseling/psychotherapy, consultation, couples and group counseling to currently enrolled students at no additional cost.
In the spirit of the church tradition of painting our doors red, Saint Augustine’s Chapel strives to be a welcoming and safe place for our students and the community. Services of Holy Eucharist are held on Sundays during the academic year, where we hear the Word of God and partake of the sacraments. We invite you to visit our chapel during worship times and open yourself to the possibilities of a spiritual journey anchored in a relationship with Jesus Christ and nourished by Christian community.
SAU focuses on developing the whole student. As such, the Taylor Wellness Center offers a variety of exercise equipment and programming to help students develop healthy habits.